Radio receiver R-310 “Dozor” was produced since 1954-1958. Charkov Radio Works Nr. 158. Designed for direction finding. Mains and battery powered. The range of received frequencies is 1.5 – 25.0 MHz. Scheme of superheterodyne with double frequency conversion, on 16 tubes.
AM/CW, projection tuning scale. Tubes via front panel changeable. Separate power supply module (built in). Some differnet variants. Mainly used in the soviet armed forces. Coverage 1,5 – 25,0 MHz in six ranges. Used three IF in first frequency conversion stage for different ranges – 1235 KHz(1,3,5) 465 KHz(2) and 2615 KHz(4,6).Hight class. Used for interception others broadcastings.
From 1958 till 1967 producibled R-310M with 15 tubes. Producibled total 4000 sets (with R-310M).

The radio receiver is powered through a removable power supply unit consisting of a stabilized rectifier and a vibration transducer, which makes it possible to use as power sources: – 127 and 220 volt alternating current; – DC sources with a voltage of 2.5 and 5 volts. In addition, the complete set includes an adapter box for powering the anode and filament circuits directly from the storage batteries at the following voltages: the anode battery voltage is 120 volts, the filament battery voltage is 2.5 volts, and the bias battery voltage is 24 volts.
The weight of the radio with the power supply and shock absorbers does not exceed 66.5 kg. A complete set of a radio receiver is placed in one packing box, with the exception of rechargeable batteries, which are packed in tare boxes. The weight of the stowage box with all the belongings does not exceed 105 kg.